The Beginning

Written Feb., 21, 2023

"My Covid Chaos" Jan 18, 2021 - Jan 24, 2021

I have been calling this "My Covid Chaos" in my journal. There is so much confusion regarding the information that my family knows and what I am reading in my charts. So, I am putting in information from the charts, doctors and family. And will be adding my 2 cents worth. 

The Facts! Jan 18, 2021, Garry and I tested positive for Covid 19. After a few days of running a low fever and feeling crappy. Things to be going by the book. NOPE! I eventually got worse enough that Garry decided to take me to the local hospital. I was there for 4 days. One day on the Covid floor and 3 days in ICU. The ER staff were extremely nice.  Which is not always the case. So, I knew I was pretty sick. The way I understand it everything went downhill 2nd day on the 3rd shift. My fever was high, vital signs were up and down, Blood Sugars were all over the place and I had a Cough that messed up my whole body. Garry told me once that when I cough, I cough Hard! I remember my family being called so I could talk to them before they had to intubate me! Honestly, I don't remember any of that. I was placed in a self-induced coma and paralyzed for safety.

At the end of the 4th day, the Doctors talked to the family and decided getting me to Lawrence Memorial Hospital in Groton, CT would be best. I will end this chapter here. So, return if you want to hear more!